What our customers think of Angioprim

What is Your Heart Worth?
Angina, Angioprim, EDTA, Diabetes, Clogged arteries Chelation Therapy, Chelation, Oral Chelation, Oral Liquid Chelation, Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis, stent, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Cardiovacular Disease, Heart Disease, Alternative Medicine, Anti-Aging, Human Growth Hormone, DH
Angioprim helped us with the following:
Bone Spurs
Why Calcium can be so toxic
Arterial Plaque (Blocked Arteries)
High Blood Pressure
Angioplasty (Stents)

Four years ago I decided to have a heart scan done just to see if I had any blockage. This decision was made based upon years of high cholesterol readings and my determination to NOT take prescription drugs to lower my cholesterol. The test showed small deposits of calcium in the arteries around my heart. Two years later I had another scan done and it showed the calcium deposits had quadrupled. I immediately started searching the internet for alternative ways to take care of the buildup. Many of the sites I visited mentioned Chelation. I didn't want to take a handful of pills throughout the day, nor did I want to subject myself to needles. I then happened upon Angioprim. The cost of all the Chelation methods are high and Angioprim was no exception. I decided to give it a try.

I did a 24 day major cleanse. By the second or third day I was breathing better; I felt better; I had more energy. At the end of the 24 days I made an appointment with my Doctor for my quarterly lab test. It was no surprise when my labs showed my cholesterol in the mid 300's. I told him I had done the Angio Chelation and was going to schedule another heart scan. He told me my cholesterol was high enough that my insurance would pay for a stress test which included radio-active dye in my veins.

The results were amazing! I am a 61 year old female, although I don't look it and I have been blessed with very little gray hair. The cardiologist told me that he has seen very few men my age complete the test and I was the first women.

A week later the results of the test came in and my Doctor's office called to tell me that the test showed ZERO blockage in my arteries. I have been on the maintenance dose for over a year. I use 15 drops (or more if I lose count) every other day. Is it expensive? YES! Of course the alternative probably won't cost YOU a dime, but it will cost your family plenty. The alternative being a funeral.

When I take the cost of Angioprim and subtract from the cost what I would pay monthly (co-pay) for the TWO statin drugs my doctor thinks I am taking, the cost is almost a wash.
Feel free to email me anytime for a chat. joycemaxwell@qwest.net.

I highly recommend Angioprim to anyone with even the hint of blockage.
Joyce J Maxwell

Afton, MN  United States
Referral #  17707